Actually I've gotten quite a bit done on the garage. I'm trying to figure out what to build (shelving) to accomodate all the new storage bins that I've organized stuff into. Also, I may be inheriting a few more power tools soon (table saw, air compressor), so I need to make allowance for those, but I'm scratching my head wondering where the space will come from.
AKA Rodney Morris. I married Kim Williamson in 1993. We have 2 daughters. After graduating from Appalachian State University in 1997 with a BS in Music Industry, I began working at Samaritan's Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association as an audio tech/post-production audio mixer. After traveling the world and the seven seas (arrrggg!), we decided to move to Florida, where I'm now a freelance audio engineer in TV field productions.
I'll comment later...
So as I was passed. I'll try again later.
Actually I've gotten quite a bit done on the garage. I'm trying to figure out what to build (shelving) to accomodate all the new storage bins that I've organized stuff into. Also, I may be inheriting a few more power tools soon (table saw, air compressor), so I need to make allowance for those, but I'm scratching my head wondering where the space will come from.
You could just say you "don't feel led" quite yet.
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