Friday, June 15, 2007

Ruth Bell Graham

"Never let it end, God
never - please -
all this growing loveliness,
all of these
brief moments of
fresh pleasure -
never let it end.
Let us always
be a little breathless
at love's beauty;
never let us
pause to reason
from a sense of duty."

Ruth Bell Graham
1920 - 2007


Jan said...

Thanks for posting that, Rodney. I have been lost in the world of Nicaragua and didn't know she had gone to be with the Lord. No doubt her husband will soon follow, and they will be together rejoicing at the feet of the One they have served together for so long. I can only hope for such a life as theirs!

John F said...
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Hbomb said...

What a women! Everyone knows Billy Graham, but few of us even knew her name until she passed away, but as I read your post all I could think was "What a women!" The sacrifices she had to make as a wife of a world wide,(probably without compare best known and loved) evagelist in the world...what a women to be content in the background but obviously incredibly supportive and a source of great encouragement to her husband.
My first year teaching I taught one of their grandsons and he was such a sweet boy...what a sad day for us, but what rejoicing in heaven!
PS - I deleted this the first time because it posted from Johnny and he didn't want anything mushy posted from him!