Today, I tried to take our kids down to the YMCA waterpark, which is about a half-hour away. We got there and as we were walking to the gate to get in an alarm began to sound. Someone saw lightning - which means everybody out of the pool. I'm looking at the sky, and there were some clouds WAY off in the distance. So I thought, we'll wait it out. Well after a solid 45 mins of waiting we finally gave up. Kasey didn't want to go to the beach, so we came back home. I figured we would stop at a 7-11 on the way and get some slurpees to at least salvage part of the afternoon. The slurpee machines were messed up. We got some anyway, but they weren't cold enough to ice up. Ugghhh! Now I'm really irritated. And then no matter what lane I chose to drive in, it turned out to be the slow lane.
Now where did I put that BB gun?
Ooooh, Rodney, I feel your pain. I've had many days like that. Hang in there!
Been there, done that. When we go to the store, I chose a line and then Johnny gets in line...somewhere else, because I will always choose the slowest line. It may have been moving the fastest before, but when I get there, something changes.
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