Now you may be wondering why I chose the title "A Man's Man" and used this picture to accompany it. I'll get to that in a minute.
The Bible you see at the left is the parallel Bible I got for Christmas (along with the J.B. Phillips translation of the New Testament in Modern English). One of the ways, I believe, to overcome the difficulties of discovering the intentions of the original authors is to read many different versions/translations of that passage. This way you get a nice overall idea of what the intention may be, rather than the focus that particular version may choose. This particular parallel Bible includes the KJV, NIV, NASB and the NLT. It really has been very helpful.
You guys know that I play bass at church. I have an assortment of audio equipment and cables that I take with me when I play. I have to be able to carry all that stuff somehow and at the time, I didn't have an extra bag to use. I started searching around the house and found the perfect bag. However, it didn't belong to me. It belonged to Kim... and it was a Jordache bag... and purple... and hot pink. But it fit the bill, and Kim wasn't using it, so...
Now you can just imagine the amount of ribbing I get from carrying around this bag. If you knew how much money I've spent over the last 5 years on my audio equipment for work, you would wonder why in the world I would continue to carry this bag now for probably 2 years. Being on the worship team can be a source of prideful imaginations, so my (Kim's) bag is kind of a humbling thing. Kind of like my cross to bear (weak, I know). But it really does keep me from thinking a little too highly of myself.
Remember that picture of the Bible above? What colors do you see in the cover? Pink and purple. Now I'm all for humbling yourself in the sight of the Lord and all, but enough is enough, right? I mean I have a wife, two daughters and a female cat. Enough estrogen already. I'm a man for crying out loud! So to soothe my macho ego, I made a book cover for my Bible - a DUCT TAPE cover, complete with a spine mounted pen holder!! I call it my manly Bible. I even wrote on the cover underneath the title - "NOT pink or purple!"
Sounds like somebody has issues, doesn't it?
"If there's anything that upsets me, it's having people say I'm sensitive."

JB Pillips translation is fantastic. I have an old threadbare copy i got from my grandfather's stuff many years ago. It has a faint "old book" smell but i get it out every now and then. Keep exploring your world for us.
That's cool. I really wish JB had been able to translate the Old Testament as well.
Easy there big fella....Nobody is questioning your manhood... Now put the bag down and slowly walk away. :)
Just go to my blog...
Kevin, of all th people here, I figured you would most appreciate my Barney Fife quote.
OK Rodney, I have laughed for the last 5 minutes imagining you walking into church with your pink and purple bag, then I got an even greater laugh imagining you duct taping your Bible! What a joy to know you, you do a great job keeping life in prespective!
So now, don't kill me or anything, but I linked you to my blog today entitled 8 Juicy Things About me. It's like a chain blog (I hate chain letters, I only did it for Sarah) so if you hate them as much as I do, blame her, but have fun with it. I actually did!
I did appreciate the quote.
There once was a deputy named Fife.
Who had a gun and a knife.
The gun was all dusty
and the knife was all rusty,
cause he never caught a crook
in his life.
You are truly an original. I have been drooling over that Bible for a while. I have really been wanting a NASB, and I love to go on www.biblegateway.com and look up the same passage in several versions. I don't think I'll duct tape mine, though.
Good Jams man!
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