Well now that summer is here it's time for the annual garage purging. How can a garage get so messy and disorganized in one year's time? Gotta find room inside for that chest that's been sitting out there for months now. What about all that plywood in the corner for hurricane protection? I'm always wanting to add more woodworking tools, but where? When will I ever use this stuff? Gotta make some space somehow. I keep telling Kim that I want our house to move to a "just in time" inventory system. No more of this saving stuff for some later date when I might find something to use it on or with. No more! When we need it, we'll go get it. Sometimes I'd like to just throw it all away and start over.
At any rate when I look at my garage it reminds me of my mind. All the cobwebs, old shoes, dirty rags and broken tools that I call my thoughts and memories make my mind not a pretty home or refuge. It makes me think of the words to the David Wilcox song "The inside of my head".
I got such a mess between my ears
like dishes in the sink
Stuff I don't believe just tumbles in
until I don't have room to think
These dark clouds I've stowed away
just in case of a sunny day
So I can stand in the pouring rain
of every tear I've ever shed
I've got to empty out the inside of my head
This could be a room with such a view,
but its covered up with junk
Blocking off the place the light gets through
so it keeps me in this funk
All my failures are on display,
the broken dreams of yesterday
Stuff I should have thrown away,
but I've kept it here instead
I've got to empty out the inside of my head
I've got to empty out the inside of my head
Not much of a point to this - just some random thoughts as I tackle this day (and trying to find the motivation to get started on the garage). As for my head, I guess I should consider Romans 12:2.
I am reminded of a Paul Simon lyric that goes: When I think back on all the crap I learned in High School, It's a wonder I can even think at all."
Keep blooging: It's like exercise for the spirit and soul.
Thanks for stopping by Terry.
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