Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Your Calling, Part 2

In Ephesians 3, Paul tells of God's plan to spread the gospel to the Gentiles and how he has been given special grace to accomplish this. We read in verse 3:

"Although I am less than the least of all God's people, this grace was given me: to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ..." (NIV)

I have always read and interpreted this verse in how it applies to my own situation. When Paul says that he is "less than the least of all God's people" I always applied the "worm" mentality to viewing myself in light of this verse. I would kind of imagine Paul weighing his good deeds vs. his bad deeds to see that he indeed was the least deserving of all God's people. But in rereading this passage recently, I began to think that maybe I've missed Paul's intent in this verse. Paul did indeed proclaim that he was "less than the least" or "the least deserving" but maybe it was in reference to and displaying the irony of his new calling from God.

God chose Paul to bring the good news of the Gospel to the Gentiles. Stop right there. Paul was charged with #1) proclaiming the Good News #2) to the Gentiles, the two things he was diametrically opposed to when he was known as Saul. It is generally accepted that Paul was a Pharisee, thoroughly trained in the Jewish laws and customs. He believed that the Pharisees had "the skinny" on who God was, what the message was, and for whom the message was intended. It certainly did not include the Gentiles. The Jews were the ones who were God's chosen people after all. And Jesus, according to the Pharisees, played no part in fulfilling the role of the Messiah. So now, Paul has done a complete 180, and God is using him in a new plan to include the Gentiles in His salvation. Do you now see the irony in Paul's statement "though I am the least deserving Christian there is..." (v.8, NLT) regarding his new assignment. It has much less to do with the "worm" theory.

Personal application time here. When I think of what God has called me to, it has always been to the things that I feel I am most uniquely qualified for or that I show a natural (or supernatural) talent for. Music is an example. I've been on worship teams for 15 years now and I believe that's how God has wanted to use me. But what if God wants to call me into a ministry that was so ironic that I would think, "of all God's more appropriate choices, why me?" - this statement seems to mirror Paul's sentiment much better. Therefore, that's my challenge of late. Is God calling me beyond what I feel I'm most qualified for? How about you? Do you think God may be calling you to something you're sure He has the wrong person for (Exodus 3:11)? Just a thought. I'll let you know what happens here.


Hbomb said...

I have to say, when God has shown me things He is calling me to, I feel like Moses...God I don't talk in front of people. I can dance in front of people, I can stand on stage and sing in front of people, but not talk, not in front adults, but we will see. Good word. Keep us posted on what God is calling you to.

Jan said...

I feel like that with my job here. The other evening I was talking to one of my girls, and asked her to come back next year and intern as my right-hand woman, like Assistant to the Dean of Women. She said that she is so incapable, and I told her so am I! I can shy away from the things God is calling me to do because I don't feel prepared or capable, but then I miss out on seeing God's power manifest through me, needing His wisdom, hearing His voice, and watching Him be faithful to not abandon me in my time of need. I need Him so much! Daily! So, I encourage you to step out of the boat and walk on the water, because you will see that He is there!

Reed Thomas said...

Qualified?! Sort of like a MA in Student Development working as the Logistics, Safety and Media Director for a construction company? Sometimes the Dance has a strange beat.

John F said...


The thing for me is that I try to make Him fit into my little box. He is an outside the box God and He wants us to be also. I think it is a good thing to feel somewhat unqualified for whatever the calling is on your life. Because if I felt qualified then I may be tempted to take the credit for the results. A little uncertainity keeps us grounded and leaning on the "Qualifier" to bring it to a place of completion in us.