Saturday, April 19, 2008

What's Going On

More than just a great song from Marvin Gaye...

I just got back from a quick trip to the Washington, D.C. area. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see much of D.C. - we were working in Maryland, but I did get to see the memorials from the airport. I also saw Marine One (the President's helicopter) flying over the Potomac river past Georgetown University on it's way towards the White House.

No word on the NC job front.

Kim and I are working on cleaning up a bunch of old bricks. They came from a nearly 100 year old house. We got the bricks for free, but we have to clean all the mortar off of them. When we get them all cleaned off, we are going to build a brick patio. It should look good when we're finished.

Alison won an essay contest held by the Daughters of the American Revolution. She got to read her essay at an awards ceremony which was attended by our House Representative. She also received an American flag which was flown over the Capitol building. She was very excited. Unfortunately, I had to miss the ceremony because I was flying home from D.C. Sometimes being a freelancer sucks.


Chip said...

Congratulations to Alison! I didn't know the DAR was still around. Last thing I heard was a bit of history about FDRs wife resigning in protest (or maybe it was Truman's wife). Anyway... Cool! the flag that flew over the capital. That's a real treasure. I can feel your parental pride all the way up here in North Carolina.

ded said...

Congrats to Alison and hooray for youth writing skills!

ded said...

Hey Hotrod,

I'm blogging again...come back and visit sometime.