Sorry to have jumped off the blogging bandwagon for a while but things have been a little crazy lately.
- I just finished mixing a DVD series that took well over 20 hours to complete. It should have taken only about 12 hours. It needed ALOT of work. Plus I "composed" all the music for it. Got to love Garage Band. Next up will (more than likely) be creating the audio podcasts of the series.
- Kasey took a leap into our recliner on Tuesday. Her knee went between the seat cushion and the back cushion only to be met by a metal hinge on the back. She sliced it open nicely, so off we went for a 4 hour visit to the ER to get it stitched up. The hardest part for Kasey is that the doctor said no gymnastics for at least 2 weeks. Kasey's first meet is tomorrow - she's been training and working hard all summer to be able to attend this meet. She's still going but will not be competing. There is another meet in Daytona at the end of the month that she'll be able to compete in.
- I got a new computer (the iMac you see above) this week! The last day or so has been spent getting all the files transferred over. There is always something that has to be a little tricky. This time it was getting all my iTunes files (2000+ songs) transferred. But all seems to be working smoothly now.
- Like all the other ASU alums, I was so excited to hear of App's win over Michigan. I was keeping my eye on the ticker on ESPN. When I turned on the TV it said Mich. 32, App St. 31 with about 2 mins to go - no other details, so I figured that it was a close game but Michigan would prevail. I was almost jumping up and down when they updated the ticker to say FINAL - App St. 34, Mich. 32. All the media coverage for ASU has been phenomenal. Not many other App State fans in Sarasota though - except for the Ohio State fans who live here.
- We had a black vinyl covered chain link fence installed in the backyard so that Sammy would have a place to run around in. Good night, how expensive can a dog be?!?
Glad your back. Hope Kasey is OK. We know all about those long ER visits...
Oh, I am SOOOOOOO jealous! I want a Mac so bad!
And I hope Kasey recovers very quickly!
Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's computer... Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's computer...
Thanks Helen. Kasey is OK - though she walks around like a pirate. We have to say "Kasey, quit peg-legging"!
Sarah, we've been using Macs for 13 years now. I can't imagine going over to a PC. Our kids have an eMachines PC that we purchased from Best Buy. It does the job for them (mostly). Currently we have 4 computers in the house - 3 Macs and 1 PC.
Could you please write another blog so I don't have to look at that one eyed demon. There's only one thing you do with Apples. Make pie!!!
There's a thousand things you can do with a PC. Unfortunately they all involve patches,upgrades, getting hacked, identity theft, and crashing. But PCs do prove that having good marketing is better than having a good product.
Congrats on the Mac! I spent my previous career working on PCs so I'm pretty entrenched at this point. That and Dell just makes it so cheap to upgrade these days...
I too can totally empathize with you on the ER visits. My middle child choked on a peanut a few months back and they had to put her out in the OR to get it out of her lung. I spent the rest of the night standing by her bed holding the IV in just the right position so the stupid alarm wouldn't go off and wake her up.
Gotta love the ER!
Like I have always said...once you go MAC you never go back. Welcome to my world.
I bought a computer (mac book) for our new church (Kingsway High Country) and get to enjoy it in my living room wirelessly. You havn't lived until you can check your bolg or e-mail in your easy chair.
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