Saturday, April 21, 2007

Love your neighbor

Warning: This post contains mild language and may be inappropriate for younger readers.

This post might offend someone who knows me, but if you continue to read the post you might slowly find yourself lowering your flamethrower. Maybe...

There is a bumper sticker that I've seen on vehicles around town and in some stores and perhaps you've seen it too. I have to say I laugh everytime I see it. What does it say?

"Jesus loves you.
Everybody else thinks you're an asshole."

Even now as I type it I'm chuckling a bit. Somehow this statement rings just a little too true in my own life. Do you know anyone who seems to fit this profile? If you do, then you might find yourself fighting back a little grin too. There's only one problem: God won't let me live with this attitude.

Example A (and really all the condemning evidence you'll need): there is a young man who lives very near to us who was recently arrested for beating up his mother and worse, sexually assaulting and violating a 5 year old girl. I read an article regarding the sexual assault charges - it was very graphic and did not help me to form a high opinion of this young man. Only a couple of days ago, his house caught on fire and so, like the concerned (nosey) neighbor that I am, I walked down to watch the fire burn. I found myself rejoicing that he got what he deserved. I saw him standing in his yard, talking to friends, even laughing occasionally. My reaction: Why can't life follow art and a house fall on top of him like in "The Wizard of Oz"? I was secretly planning all the things that I would do if I ever caught him around my house eyeing my kids. Vain imaginations... I REALLY do not like this kid. I don't want to know him; I don't want to help him. Now most people in America would consider my feelings for this young man to be justified, even though he's done nothing to me specifically. But when I shut up and listen to God, I hear his words ringing loud and clear in my head "Love your neighbor as yourself" (He doesn't speak to me in King James). Surely he meant those who help us, right? (the story of the Good Samaritan) He couldn't possibly mean this guy too, right? This kid has done some pretty awful things. But then again, so did the Apostle Paul and King David. Come to think of it, I've not been such a role model in my life either. Sure, I've never beaten up my mother or sexually assaulted anyone, but does God really qualify the severity of sins? I don't think so. In fact, I'm pretty sure not. I'm also sure that God loves each of us unconditionally. This is important: IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT I'VE DONE OR NOT DONE, GOD LOVES ME THE SAME. Sorry for yelling :-) Then that means God must love this kid just as much as He loves me. In light of that, how can I possibly continue to harbor any hatred towards this young man? I may not have to strike up a relationship with this guy, but God wants my heart to be pure towards those who hold no regard for others.

Even if they are assholes...

God, change my heart. It's so easy to let the influence of the world's values distort my perceptions of others. It's times like these that I'm reminded again...

I need a Savior.


Hbomb said...

We were at a marriage conference today and I was reminded of a truth I was taught long ago...the people in the Bible that are referred to as "friends of Jesus" were all viewed in those days as the most horrible of all horrible sinners. The religious folk were never refered to as His friends and that is because Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost. He never got angry at a sinner, but He did get very angry at the religious people who judged the sinner. I am right there with you, God has got to change my heart too. My prayer is that I will come to an understanding of the Lord (minus the religious traditions that I have grown up with) that will allow me to be the friend to His friends. That He will help me get off my religious self-rightous hind parts and get to the busy of Jesus...seeking out and bringing to salvation that which is lost. God help us understand that we wrestle not with flesh and blood, but with principalities and powers that rule in high places! Help us see people the way you see them! Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

What she said...
Rodney it's good to see you still understand that Christianity is all about keeping it real with Jesus. Thanks for opening up.

Terry said...

Your topic today was interesting in many ways. I am good friends with a man who, having reached some sort of bottom in his life, molested his wife's daughter. I have never asked him to explain the details but I do know that it was a one time thing.

He was caught and served time in jail and was paroled for five years.

What he did was terrible but in the process he found Christ and is a better Christian than many people I know. He lives simply and like Rich Mullins, tries to follow everyday.

There are some people who say that they don't forgive or pray for people who have committed sexual sins against minors. In dealing with these people I have had to look at one of my heroes: King David.

Wrong place—wrong time. Adultery and murder for a human being identified as a man after God's own heart. Yet he was forgiven.

I don't fully understand the grace and mercy of God but it is bigger than anything I can get my head around.